Meet Vicki | Vicki Reckless
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Who am I & why can I help you?

Hey girlies, my name is Vicki Reckless (yes, it is my real name hehe) & I am a mindset & confidence coach specialising in helping women accept their bodies & find true joy in their lives.

Here's where I've come from & why I wanna help you love the skin you're in...


I grew up in the performing industry, I would stare at myself in the mirror week in & week out, comparing my body to others and even though at the time I was slim, I had it wired in my brain that I wasn’t skinny enough. I constantly felt like there was some part of me that needed to change. I remember on numerous occasions where I would think to myself ‘Oh if I just don’t eat my lunch today then I will look better tomorrow’. My hips were too wide, my legs were too chunky, my thighs touched, my boobs were too big, my arms were too wide. The voices in my head were always battling against me. 


I then went off to university where I felt the need to make ‘friends for life’, because for some reason that is how university was branded to me. I spent first year so worried about who my ‘friends for life’ would be that I ended up not making that many real friends at all. I would go down to the dining hall with my flatmates and not be able to eat because I was feeling so anxious about what others thought of me and if I was making a good impression. I would look around the hall to see who I could potentially make friends with or to compare my friendships with how close the group next to me seemed. 

It was at university that my obsession with outside validation really begun as well. I had always compared myself to others, but at university my focus shifted to ‘finding the love of my life as well as friends for life’. I had heard stories about lovers meeting in first year and then returning to be proposed to near the halls where they met. Now being the hopeless romantic that I am, of course I believed the same would happen for me. 


So, every night out I dressed to impress, got really really drunk because I thought I needed to be drunk to make friends. Any hint of male attention made me feel worthy and loved, but when it didn’t work out my self worth was crushed to the floor every single time. I posted online using filters to make everything look perfect and aesthetically pleasing. I was constantly checking who had viewed my story, how many likes I had, who had liked my post, who hadn’t liked my post etc etc. 

Fast forward to lockdown, I gained quite a lot of weight and when I first noticed the stretch marks on my hips it physically made me feel sick. I had failed. I felt that I was no longer attractive, I couldn’t fit into many of my trousers, I felt that my stomach looked weird in leggings. I started to hide behind baggy t-shirts and jumpers, just until I lost the weight, I would tell myself. 


Looking back on it now, gaining weight was the single best thing that has ever happened to me. 


While it brought up loads of feelings of self hatred, disgust & sadness; it also allowed me to work through it all to become the most confident body lovin’ badass I have ever been. 


I remember finding lots of body confident influencers on Tiktok like Spencer Barbosa, Olivia Kirby and May Ridts & I thought to myself maybe there is a way that I can be as confident & body positive as them? 

When I was at my lowest, crying in my room after finding yet another new stretch mark, I knew it was time to make a change. I enrolled in a guided self development course which helped me understand why I thought the way I did about my body and also how to rewire my thoughts. 


Slowly but surely I gained the confidence to uncover my body again, to find clothing that truly made me feel like myself and I began sharing my journey on tiktok. It wasn’t an overnight thing, but by posting my body online, seeing women resonate with my feelings, saying they were so happy to see a body exactly like theirs, it inspired me to carry on building the relationship I now have with myself.

I can say with complete certainty that I now love & accept every inch of myself, my stretch marks, lumps, bumps, jiggly bits and all. 


I now walk into social situations with confidence, not comparing myself to everyone in the room, but instead hyping others up and being my own biggest cheerleader in the process.

I am building the most amazing community of girlies on Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube & my new podcast The True You who are all on the same journey to love their bodies & feel at home with who they are.

I gained my coaching certification at the beginning of 2023 & I've never looked back.

Accepting yourself, flaws & all, is an empowering but challenging journey. I have made it my life's mission to be the support I wish I had on my journey. 

I get to help women around the world to accept their bodies & put themselves first. 

Are you ready to change the way you feel about your body & finally have the confidence to live the most fulfilling life you could dream of?

If my story resonated please feel free to book in for a taster coaching call with me, I so look forward to meeting & supporting you.

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